The Chinese city of Chengdu is known by many Chinese millennials as the country’s unofficial “gay capital”, even sometimes dubbed “Gaydu”. Although probably more famous for pandas, Chengdu also has a reputation for its inclusive and laid-back culture. While such prevailing attitudes may have paved the way for a relatively more visible LGBTQ presence, the community must also contend with censorship from Beijing.
中国城市成都被许多中国千禧一代称为该国的非官方“同志之都”,有时甚至被称为“Gaydu”。尽管成都可能更以大熊猫而闻名,但它也因其包容和悠闲的文化而享有盛誉。虽然这种普遍的态度可能为相对更为可见的 LGBTQ 群体铺平了道路,但该群体也必须应对来自北京的审查。
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