新闻现场 Newsroom:新西兰人Andy Boreham在中国见义勇为 | New Zealander Andy Boreham Shows Courageous and Righteous Behavior in China



Andy Boreham来自新西兰,中文名字叫安柏然,目前生活在上海,是一名媒体人。























困境?我刚从地铁出来回到我的公寓,看到男人和女人打架——显然是家暴事件。男人揪着女人的头发将她甩来甩去,周围的人都站着看着。 “你们叫警察吧”我对站在那里的年轻男女说道,他们就像角斗士战斗中的观众一样。 “哎呦不要是他们自己家的事情。”女孩回答道。 那个时候,那个家伙已经把那个女人压在了人行道上,他们认识的人正试图把他拉下来。我认为他至少踢了她的头一次。 就在那时,我走上前去,当着那个人的面说,如果他不放手,我就报警。所有四个人——包括那个女人——开始说同样的话:“别管它,我们会解决这个问题”等等。 我坚持自己的立场,他松开手,怒气冲冲地走开,那个女人追上他(通常都是这样,不是吗?) 现在我想知道我是否真的应该说些什么。我的意思是,如果是两个男人,我就会离开它,但我妈妈总是告诉我,男人永远不应该与这样的女人发生身体接触。 你怎么看?

According to China Radio International (CRI), New Zealander Andy Boreham, known as An Biran in Chinese, is a renowned video blogger and the recipient of the “Magnolia Award” in Shanghai. He narrates stories about China through his lens, critiques biased reports from foreign media, and has garnered praise from numerous netizens. During his ten years in China, what experiences has he encountered? Today, as their hometown’s Chinese media, let us listen to Andy Boreham’s stories about encountering China.

Andy Boreham, hailing from New Zealand with the Chinese name An Biran, currently resides in Shanghai and works as a media professional.

“I’ve been in China for many years, visiting nearly 60 major cities. This is one way for me to understand and get to know China.”

Boreham has lived in China for ten years. In recent years, he has been producing and shooting short videos, introducing the real and multi-dimensional China to the world, especially to overseas audiences.

“As a media professional, I feel obligated to debunk and correct misinformation.”

“Debunking and correcting” are phrases Boreham repeatedly emphasizes in his interviews. He notes serious biases in the reporting of certain Western media outlets about China.

“The China I saw on TV during my childhood was the China portrayed by Western media: dirty, chaotic, and backward.”

However, this stereotype was shattered during Boreham’s first visit to China in 2009.

“In 2009, I traveled from Vietnam to Nanning, Guangxi by bus, which was my first time in China. I was pleasantly surprised by Nanning because it was very clean, spacious, and the people were very friendly. Later, I went to Guangzhou, which was vibrant and civilized. My first reaction was that I had been deceived by Western media.”

Why was the China he witnessed so different from the portrayal by Western media? What is the real China like? With these questions in mind, Boreham began learning Chinese and came to China to find the answers himself. As he delved deeper into understanding China, Boreham felt compelled to share his perspective.

In 2021, he and his colleagues established the “Green Eyes Andy Studio” to produce videos depicting real stories of China. They have released a series of short videos that refute false reports from certain Western media outlets by presenting evidence-based rebuttals.

“Despite China’s rapid economic development and its showcasing of national splendor through events like the Olympics and the Winter Olympics, some Western media continue to produce negative reports about China, often using a ‘but’ construction to follow up with negative news. Most of it is fake news. We refute these negative reports with facts.”

To shoot and produce videos, Boreham traveled extensively throughout China. Among the places he visited, the beautiful scenery, peaceful environment, and hospitable people of Xinjiang left the deepest impression on him.

“I was dining alone at a restaurant in Xinjiang. I wanted to eat a large portion of chicken but couldn’t finish it, so I asked if they had a smaller portion. They offered to make a special portion for me, which turned out to be still quite large. I couldn’t finish it, so I invited the owner’s family to join me. They were delighted. We sat together, chatted, and took photos. It’s one of my fondest memories of Xinjiang. I felt their lives were very free.”

Through Boreham’s lens, Xinjiang is vibrant and beautiful. However, in the lenses of some Western media, Xinjiang appears entirely different. Boreham intentionally created a comparative video.

“I visited Red Mountain Park in Urumqi, Xinjiang, and made a comparative video of my experience, one in normal lighting and the other intentionally darkened to mimic the color often used by Western media. Such a comparison highlights the filtering techniques used by Western media.”

Boreham’s lens also captures the pulse of Chinese cities and shares China’s development achievements. From “Do Tianjin People Really Love Eating Goubuli Baozi?” to “Foreigners Making Rice Wine in Rural Areas,” from “Foreign Journalists Exploring Qingdao’s History” to “Nantong’s Largest Offshore Wind Power Plant,” and more.

On May 29th of this year, the domestically-produced large aircraft C919 was officially put into regular commercial operation on the Shanghai Hongqiao-Chengdu Tianfu route. Boreham was fortunate to experience the maiden flight. The video of his first flight experience has surpassed 2 million views, with nearly 250,000 views on overseas platforms and over a thousand comments from overseas users.

“This flight was truly historic. Everyone was excited, and before boarding, everyone was taking photos with the plane. After arriving in Chengdu, we lined up to have the captain sign our boarding passes. Although I was a foreigner on the plane, I felt genuinely proud of China.”

Currently, Boreham is busy updating his short videos every day. He has over 2 million followers on social media, with over 150,000 followers on overseas platforms. Many overseas netizens hope to see a vibrant and developing China from a perspective different from the Western view and to learn more about the touching and meaningful stories happening in this land through his videos.

“More and more foreigners are actively seeking me out, saying they are very interested in my account and hoping to understand the truth. They want the opportunity to see the real world and China.”

Boreham also pays special attention to the friendly cooperation between his hometown, New Zealand, and China. He says he has communicated with many political and business figures in New Zealand, who all believe that cooperation between the two countries has brought tangible benefits and look forward to expanding cooperation in broader areas in the future.

“China’s speed of development and its action are remarkable to me as a foreigner. The Belt and Road Initiative connects the entire world, so I hope for closer and friendlier relations between New Zealand and China. I believe New Zealand can become a more reliable partner for China and serve as an important bridge between other Western countries and China.”


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