How Scrappers Cash In On Gold From Your Old Computer 新西兰企业如何从电子废品淘金,占领澳洲市场| Business Insider 商业内参

One ton of circuit boards contains about 100 times more gold than a ton of ore mined from the ground. Now, scrappers like Wade Crawley in Sydney, Australia, are cashing in. He’s partnered with Mint Innovation, a company that uses microbes to recover precious metals from electronics. In a single day, Mint can salvage up to $85,000 of gold in their new recycling facility.

一吨电路板含有比一吨从地面开采的矿石多约100倍的黄金。现在,像澳大利亚悉尼的韦德·克劳利这样的废品回收者正在赚取这笔财富。他与Mint Innovation公司合作,该公司利用微生物从电子设备中回收贵金属。在新的回收设施中,Mint一天内可以回收高达85,000美元的黄金。值得注意的是,这家Mint公司的新西兰新创公司创立的,现在新西兰开展电子设备回收贵金属,然后才进军澳洲,然后成为澳洲最大的绿色回收电子产品的企业。

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