Need Chinese audiences? 6 reasons why you should post advertisements on New Zealand Review in 2021

New Zealand Review is the only local online platform that focuses on sharing useful lifestyle information among Chinese audiences in New Zealand.

Our original goals are to engage Chinese audiences who are new to New Zealand with practical life information services, connect their family and friends with New Zealand related information. Chinese family and friends need this background and updated information to start a conversation with their loved ones.

After reached this goal, we are intended to provide lifestyle information and help New Zealand Chinese community to have a better and healthier lifestyle.

New Zealand Review has content that covers every aspect of daily information intakes, such as news, food, snacks, wines, travel, lifestyle, film and TV, music, sports, mental health, romantic relationships, physical health, literature, career, and LGBTQ content. Most Chinese websites in New Zealand do not touch lifestyles in such a detailed level.

We have a professional editorial team. Our editors are journalism professionals, they are graduated from Media, Communications, Journalism postgraduates and well-experienced journalists.

Moreover, New Zealand Review focuses on digital presentation and storytelling which enable our customer to have their advertisement to the accurate audience and provide a good reading experience to the audience at the same time.

Unlike traditional media, we have customized the information to mobile usage and audience can use our mobile application to experience the brand new news reading experience.

New Zealand Review has presentations not only in multiple global social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin. It also focuses on Chinese social media such as Weibo, Wechat, Blibili, Acfun, little Red book, Ctrip, Qunar, and Tik Tok. Your advertisements will be on our social media platforms to influence more audience.

We do not just want to have a social media page, our goal is to communicate through social media to gather more friends with the same interests to our digital community. So we will improve our business services this year.

We are targeted to setup our audience managed website, named Popcorn Community, to combine E-commerce, Gossip Forums, Make Friends, and Products Review. This will increase our interactions with our audiences and get more inspirations and feedback to improve our services.

Moreover, we will create a Marketing Agency Gateway China to provide digital marketing services for our local and international customers. We believe the marketing power of the community is much stronger than individuals. All those are big goals but as Chinese old saying: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We dream big and will walk every step steady.

We welcome customers and stakeholders to support New Zealand Review. We are a growing digital lifestyle plateform and let us win 2021 together.

6 Reasons You Must Advertise on New Zealand Review:

  1. Our visitors and views have been grown significantly in 2020, 3.9 times and 5.5 times respectively, compared to 2019.

2. Our Chinese audiences are located in 82 countries, but main in New Zealand and Greater China region. These are the main business partners of New Zealand.

3. You can target audience with relevant categories, which enables effective and accurate communication. Our top 20 viewed articles are mostly in categories like Food, Health, Travel, NZ News, Fruits and Vegetables, Lifestyles.

4. Our content has a higher ranking in SEO. For instance, if you search “Ye-Chon Korean BBQ”, our post has ranking 1st and 3rd. This is higher than the Chinese biggest restaurant review website

5. The search words on search engine are more relevant to local businesses (Top search words from Googles shows the key words are more focused on local life, the traffic are more attached to the business content)

6. Our audiences are refereed from Chinese and Global Search Engines (Google, Baidu, Sogou, Yahoo) and social media (Facebook, Linkedin, Toutiao, Wechat).

For more information, please contact us:[email protected]

If you want to advertise with us or need collaboration, please email us. We will contact you ASAP. Thanks!

Email New Zealand Review:[email protected]

If you want to be in our audience community admin team,please email:[email protected]

If you need services such as Chinese Marketing Research and Consultation, Build Website, Marketing Research, SEO, please contact our Gateway Chinese Team[email protected]

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