The Chinese migrants risking it all for the American dream 为了美国梦而冒着一切风险走线的中国移民们 | Al Jazeera 卡塔尔半岛电视台

Traversing Latin America to the US has become a well-worn path for those seeking new lives. But now would-be migrants are coming from further afield – China. This year, thousands have already made the trip known as “zouxian” or “the route”. Their goal: asylum in the US.

Migrants cite a host of reasons for leaving China, from economic uncertainty, to Beijing’s harsh COVID-19 policies, to human rights. But they can fall prey to human traffickers, corrupt officials, even drug cartels. Despite the dangers, more and more Chinese are risking it all for the American dream. 101 East investigates.

穿越拉丁美洲到美国已成为寻求新生活者的常见途径。但现在,有意移民者来自更远的地方 – 中国。今年,已有数千人完成了被称为“走线”或“线路”的旅程。他们的目标是在美国寻求庇护。移民们为离开中国提出了一系列原因,从经济不确定性到北京严格的COVID-19政策,再到人权问题。但他们可能会成为人贩子、腐败官员,甚至毒品帮派的牺牲品。尽管存在危险,越来越多的中国人为了美国梦不惜一切。

Reaching the United States has long been the dream for would-be migrants travelling across Latin America. Thousands of Chinese have embarked on the dangerous route this year. But reaching their final destination is no guarantee that their troubles will be over. In Part 2 of The Route, 101 East heads to the US to explore an industry that has mushroomed around the Chinese citizens desperately seeking asylum. From alleged human traffickers, scam artists and opportunists operating in Los Angeles, to the migrants who have been tricked, cheated and exploited, this undercover investigation explores the price of pursuing the so-called American Dream.


*Al Jazeera English is a 24-hour English-language news channel. It operates under the ownership of the Al Jazeera Media Network, which, in turn, is funded by the government of Qatar. It is the first global English-language news channel to be headquartered in the Middle East.

半岛电视台英语频道(Al Jazeera English)是一家24小时英语新闻频道。它由半岛电视台传媒网络(Al Jazeera Media Network)所有,而后者又接受卡塔尔政府的资助。它是总部位于中东的第一家全球英语新闻频道。

*China Now, keep you updated on China


*The above media report does not represent New Zealand Review’s opinion.



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