Media Travel Vlog EP1: Learning Media Effects Theories from Hong Kong Disneyland | 《媒体旅行日志》第一集 从香港迪士尼看媒介效果理论

Welcome to the Media Travel Vlog! In this first episode, we’ll take you into the enchanting world of Hong Kong Disneyland to explore and experience media effects theories. From character creation and emotional resonance to immersive experiences, how does Disney use media to engage and influence its audience? Join us as we dive into real-world applications of these theories and discover the fascinating ways media interacts with its viewers!

欢迎来到 Media Travel Vlog!在这系列的第一集,我们将带您走进香港迪士尼乐园,从这座充满奇幻的乐园中学习和体验媒介效果理论。无论是角色的塑造,情感的共鸣,还是沉浸式体验,迪士尼如何运用媒体来影响和吸引观众?让我们一起探索这些理论在现实中的应用,感受媒体与受众互动的奇妙之处!


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