How Duolingo Rakes in $500M Yearly When 80% of Its Users Don’t Pay 为什么 80% 用户不付费,Duolingo 每年还能赚 5 亿美元?| WSJ 华尔街日报

Duolingo has been the top education app in Apple’s App Store for most of the past decade, making the company a revenue of around $500 million annually. But most people who use the language lesson app do not pay. So how does a free educational app manage to have a valuation of $7.7 billion?

WSJ explains how Duolingo is using AI-enhanced experiments to subsets of its user base, tailoring its offering to hook users like an addictive video game.

Duolingo 在过去十年里一直是苹果 App Store 上的顶级教育类应用,使公司年收入达到约 5 亿美元。但大多数使用这款语言学习应用的人并不付费。那么,这款免费的教育应用是如何达到 77 亿美元的估值的呢?

《华尔街日报》解释了 Duolingo 如何通过对其用户群体进行 AI 增强的实验,量身定制其产品,以像上瘾的视频游戏一样吸引用户。

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