Voice artists sue tech company for ‘stealing their voices’ AI是可以拿走工作的,配音演员起诉科技公司“窃取他们的声音” | BBC 新闻台

A couple in the US have filed a lawsuit against tech company Lovo after they allegedly found AI copies of their own voices online. “A tech company stole our voices, made AI clones of them, and sold them possibly hundreds of thousands of times,” Linnea Sage said. The firm has not yet responded to their claims or the BBC’s requests for comment. Lovo co-founder Tom Lee has previously said its voice-cloning software only needs a user to read about 50 sentences to create a faithful clone.

美国一对夫妇对科技公司Lovo提起诉讼,称他们在网上发现了自己的声音被AI复制的版本。“一个科技公司偷了我们的声音,制作了AI克隆,并可能将其销售了数十万次,”林内亚·赛奇说。该公司尚未对他们的指控或BBC的置评请求作出回应。Lovo的联合创始人Tom Lee此前曾表示,其语音克隆软件只需用户读大约50个句子,就能创建一个逼真的克隆。


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