为什么这些美国男性在亚洲寻找爱情:护照兄弟(Passport Bros)的崛起 Why These American Men Are Seeking Love In Asia: The Rise Of Passport Bros | CNA 亚洲新闻台

There is a gender war brewing. Men and women are diverging ideologically, especially in the West. Among the many consequences is a mismatch in dating and marriage expectations. As a result, men, especially from America, are coming to Southeast Asia to look for “traditional wives”. This movement, known as “Passport Bros”, is largely driven by social media, and aligned with the growing push back against feminism.

But how are passport bros received in the Philippines and Thailand, two of the top destination for these roaming Romeos? Are passport bros just an update of the sex tourists prevalent in Southeast Asia? Or are they simply lonely men looking for their shot at love?




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