Media Travel Vlog EP2: Exploring World of Frozen at HK Disneyland –What Makes It a Global Sensation? | 《媒体旅行日志》第二集 从媒体角度看《冰雪奇缘》全球爆红的原因,来香港迪士尼吧!

Welcome to Episode 2 of our Media Travel Vlog series! 🎥 Today, we’re taking you to the World of Frozen at Hong Kong Disneyland! 🌍❄️ This magical experience has become a global phenomenon, captivating fans of all ages. In this episode, we’ll dive into the ride’s unique features, from immersive storytelling and stunning visuals to exclusive attractions that bring the beloved Frozen story to life like never before. Discover why World of Frozen has captured hearts worldwide and set a new standard for theme park experiences!

Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and join the journey for more media adventures around the globe! 🌏✨

欢迎来到我们的媒体旅行Vlog系列第2集!🎥 今天,我们将带你走进香港迪士尼的冰雪奇缘世界!🌍❄️ 这个奇幻体验已经成为全球现象,吸引了无数不同年龄段的粉丝。在本集视频中,我们将深入探讨这项游乐设施的独特亮点,从沉浸式的故事讲述和震撼的视觉效果,到将《冰雪奇缘》的经典故事以全新方式呈现的独家项目。一起发现为什么冰雪奇缘世界能够俘获全球游客的心,并成为主题乐园的新标杆!



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