How to effectively post advertisements on New Zealand Review?

We are open advertisement opportunities to our customers. Last year, we have developed a complete and effective advertisement plan. However, we were too focused on content creation, which means we do not have enough resources for advertisement. But this year we will have more staff to provide advertisement services.

We now present our 2021 advertisement plan as follows:

Main Sponsor(1)FrontPage Ads(3)
Column Sponsor(29)Article Ads
Strategic Partner(4)Paid Restaurants / Products Review
Reader BenefitsWebsite Hosting /Design /Content Support

*Our advertisement plan aims to provide the audience with an excellent reading experience, keep advertisements message delivered effectively, support the original content creator and maintain a good website operation.

1. Main Sponsor($ 1000/per week)

The Main Sponsor space is on the top banner of the homepage which ensures the most traffic. We will also provide Chinese Market Research, Marketing Consultation, and SEO Improvement Services to our main sponsors.

2. FrontPage Ads($ 800/per week)

These FrontPage Ads are in the most attention concentrated place of the homepage and only has 3 spaces. The first one is above the Christchurch Photo Album.

The second space is between the TV and Film Review column and NZ Experience Records column.

The third one is on the right sidebar near the email alerts registration.

The FrontPage ads are really eye-catching to the audiences and took a large space on the homepage. Besides, they will automatically be posted on the mobile version and our mobile app. For the three spaces, our customers can choose the one they like.

3. Column Sponsor($ 600/ per week)

New Zealand Review has 29 columns, you can choose which column you want to post advertisement. Each column has its own topic, so you could deliver ads to our audience with specific interests. For the topic of each column, please visit our editor contact page. The sponsor name will appear on the homepage and on the daily social media delivery, so the traffic will be much larger.

4. Article Ads($ 400/ per week)

Who does not want to read a cool ad at the end of an article? If you want to have your ads on the articles of the specific topics. We could customize that. We can post your ads at the end of the articles that you selected. Besides, this can also support the writer who created the content.

5. Strategic Partner($ Free/ per week)

There have four ad spaces for our strategic partner. We will award them to our loyal customers for free.

6. Paid Restaurants / Products Review($ 200/ per article)

Non-promotion article: If you want to review your restaurants/ products from the consumers’ perspective, please send your requirements to our email [email protected] and transfer the equivalent cost to us. We will send our secret guests to your restaurants/ shops and write an objective review. The review article will be published on our website and social media. So our customer could understand the advantages and disadvantages of their products and services. Moreover, we will be ranking our review and sending a medal to the best restaurants/ products.

Promotion article: We will tailor our review to the customer’s needs. And our customers can also provide us with the photos and information that they want to share with their potential consumers. We will label the article as a paid message.

7. Reader Benefits

If you are our loyal audience and want to share your excellent products/services with other audiences. That is awesome! Please contact us. We accept products/ discount coupon/ gift cards. We will host events on our Facebook and give gifts to the winners on your behalf. We will help you do the promotion on our social media. Please be aware of the expiry date if you want to gift products, thanks a lot.

8. Website Hosting /Design /Content Support

If you are our customers and friends want to support our website operation, that is great. We love you. You could transfer the cost of a cup of coffee (≈$3-5) to the editors, columns, designers, IT services that you want. We will give them to our staff that you like. We will also use it as an index to award the most popular staff in our team, so every support counts.

We have been customized a few digital services based on our customers and investors’ needs. If you have any questions or want to advertise with us, please send your email to [email protected]. Happy New Year! Let us win 2021 together. Thanks a lot!

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