China’s Slacker Youths: Why They Went From ‘Lying Flat’ To ‘Let It Rot’ 中国的懒惰青年:为什么他们从“躺平”变成“摆烂”| CNA Insider 亚洲新闻台

“Tang Ping” or Lying Flat, was a 2021 movement that rejected the work culture in China. Now, it has morphed into the more extreme “Bai Lan” or Let It Rot. What behind this new phenomenon?


Insight speaks to some Chinese youths who identify themselves as “Bai Lan”. They are opting out of climbing the economic ladder, choosing to put in the bare minimum at work and coasting along. What are the reasons for their despondency?

*CNA is a 24-hour news television channel headquartered in Singapore.


And will this youth movement affect China’s economic recovery, even as it faces headwinds from COVID lockdowns and a property debt crisis?


*China Now, keep you updated on China


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